Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

public sector accountancy

public sector accountancy

public sector accountancy technique mechanism and accountancy analysis that applied in society fund management. society fund as fund that has by society not individual, usually managed by organization sector public, and also in project - joint project sector public private.
one of [the] accountancy technique applications form sector public at organization bumn.

accountancy difference sector public with accountancy sector private
focus primal that distinguish between second this organization lays in aim that be achieved. in organization planning stage sector private menitikberat to get profit from the effort result semaksimal may be with cost as minimal as may be. leave for hind with organization sector public that is society welfare.

cost accounting

cost accounting accountancy that talk about about main price pixing from a product that produceds, good to will fulfil order from also to will be merchandise stock that be sold.

accountancy in general be registration process, classification, summarizing, and presentation by - certain manner from finance transaction that in companies or organization other and interpretation towards the result. while cost in vast explanation has been sacrifice that happen or may be will happen to will achieve specific-purpose.

cost accounting aim present production cost information from a company. on that account, so cost accounting it can be given pengertiansebagai registration process, classification, summarizing and cost presentation in order to goods production or service by - certain manner with interpretation towards the result.


cost accounting

accountancy in general be registration process, classification, summarizing, and presentation by - certain manner from finance transaction that in companies or organization other and interpretation towards the result. while cost in vast explanation has been sacrifice that happen or may be will happen to will achieve specific-purpose.

cost accounting accountancy that talk about about main price pixing from a product that produceds, good to will fulfil order from also to will be merchandise stock that be sold.

cost accounting aim present production cost information from a company. on that account, so cost accounting it can be given pengertiansebagai registration process, classification, summarizing and cost presentation in order to goods production or service by - certain manner with interpretation towards the result.

accountancy sector public

accountancy sector public accountancy that talk about to hit estimation - estimation in government. as to the aim that is
1. give information that need to managed correctly, efficient and economical. on a operation and resource allocation that entrusted to organization
2. give information that make possible for resort tetentu to report execution and responsibility menelola correctly and effective resource use.
accountancy sector public related in main three things
• penyediaan information
• control menejemen
• akuntabilitas

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