Minggu, 24 Januari 2010


Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, summarizing, processing and presenting data, transactions and events relating to the finances so that it can be used by people who use it easily understandable for a decision-making and other purposes.

Cost accounting is the process of tracking, recording, and analysis of the costs associated with the activities of an organization to produce goods or services. Cost is defined as the time and resources needed and according to the convention measured in units of currency. The use of the word when the load is already used up the cost of

Financial accounting is part of the accounting related to the preparation of financial statements for external parties, such as shareholders, creditors, suppliers, and government.

Accounting management is the discipline related to the use of accounting information by management and internal parties for purposes other product costing, planning, control and evaluation, and decision-making. The general instructional objectives of this course is expected to evaluate students and engineer the management accounting systems that match the operating conditions and organizational strategies.

The contents of financial statements
1. Profit and Loss Report
2. Statements of Changes in Equity
3. Balance Report
4. Statements of Cash Flows
5. Notes to the Financial Statements

Balance is the report that contains the assets, debts and capital of a company at a particular moment.

An income statement is a complete description and more details about the calculation of profit and loss

Costs are all in charge for products and services to be sold for revenue

Akuntansi adalah suatu proses mencatat, mengklasifikasi, meringkas, mengolah dan menyajikan data, transaksi serta kejadian yang berhubungan dengan keuangan sehingga dapat digunakan oleh orang yang menggunakannya dengan mudah dimengerti untuk pengambilan suatu keputusan serta tujuan lainnya.

Akuntansi biaya adalah proses pelacakan, pencatatan, dan analisa terhadap biaya-biaya yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas suatu organisasi untuk menghasilkan barang atau jasa. Biaya didefinisikan sebagai waktu dan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan dan menurut konvensi diukur dengan satuan mata uang. Penggunaan kata beban adalah pada saat biaya sudah habis terpakai

Akuntansi keuangan adalah bagian dari akuntansi yang berkaitan dengan penyiapan laporan keuangan untuk pihak luar, seperti pemegang saham, kreditor, pemasok, serta pemerintah.

Akuntansi manajemen adalah disiplin ilmu yang berkenaan dengan penggunaan informasi akuntansi oleh para manajemen dan pihak-pihak internal lainnya untuk keperluan penghitungan biaya produk, perencanaan, pengendalian dan evaluasi, serta pengambilan keputusan. Adapun tujuan instruksional umum dari mata kuliah ini adalah mahasiswa diharapkan dapat mengevaluasi dan merekayasa sistem akuntansi manajemen yang cocok dengan kondisi operasi dan strategi organisasi.

Isi laporan keuangan
1. Laporan Laba-Rugi
2. Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas
3. Laporan Neraca
4. Laporan Arus Kas
5. Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan

Neraca adalah laporan yang berisi harta, utang dan modal perusahaan pada suatu saat tertentu.

Laporan laba rugi ini adalah penjelasan lengkap dan lebih rinci tentang perhitungan laba rugi

Biaya adalah semua yang di bebankan kepada produk barang dan jasa yang akan dijual untuk mendapatkan revenue

Income Statement

The Income Statement
The Income Statement is a formal financial statement that summarizes a company's operations (revenues and expenses) for a specific period of time usually a month or year. This statement is also called a Profit and Loss Statement or an Operating Statement.
A fiscal year is the period used for calculating annual (yearly) financial statements. While a large number of businesses use the calendar year (January-December) as their fiscal year, a business can elect to use any other twelve month period such as June-May as their fiscal year.
The categories and formats of the Income Statement also follow the rules known as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and contains specific revenue and expense categories.
The following types of accounts are used to prepare the Income Statement.
The major sections of an income statement are the heading, the revenue section, the expense section, and the final calculation of a profit or loss. The heading should contain the name of the company, the title of the statement, and the period covered by the statement.
An Income Statement is just a formal summary of "Mom Capital's "Kids" Revenue and Expense.
Our Income Statement or what is sometimes also referred to as a Profit and Loss Statement was prepared for a service type of business. Businesses that are retailers, wholesalers, or manufacturers that sell products have a special section included in their income statement called Cost Of Goods Sold. This section computes the Cost Of The Goods Sold that were either purchased and sold or manufactured and sold. In retailing and wholesaling, computing the cost of goods sold during the accounting period involves beginning and ending inventories. In manufacturing it involves finished-goods inventories, raw materials inventories and goods-in-process inventories.
The elements of the report profit / loss is usually composed of
• Revenue from sales xxx
o Less Cost of sales (xxx)
• Profit / loss dirty xxx
o Reduced operating costs (xxx)
• Profit / loss surgery xxx
o Plus or minus income / other expenses xxx (+/-)
• Profit / loss before tax xxx
o Reduced tax costs (xxx)
• Profit / loss net xxx

Income Statement Example
The income statement reports a company's income or loss for a specific period. It lists revenues and subtracts from them the period's expenses. A positive balance results in an income and a negative balance indicates a loss. In the example below revenues of $6,000 minus expenses of $3,000 results in a net income of $3,000. This figure is used on the Statement of Owner's Equity.

Your Business Name
Income Statement
For Month Ended June 30, 2010
Net sales $5,000.00
Rental revenue 1,000.00
Total revenues $6,000.00
Wages expense $1,500.00
Cost of goods sold 1,000.00
Utilities expense 250.00
Supplies expense 250.00
Total operating expenses 3,000.00
Net income/loss $3,000.00

There are two formats commonly used to prepare income statements - the single-step and multiple-step. The example above is a single-step income statement. It consists of just two sections: revenues and expenses. Expenses are deducted from revenues in a single-step to find net income or loss.

In a multiple-step income statement, the results of transactions are shown in sections separating operating activities from non-operating activities. In addition, it classifies expenses by function. For example, selling expenses are shown separate from administrative expenses. If the company experienced extraordinary items or discontinued a segment of operations, they are also shown in different sections.
The Capital Statement
The next financial statement, the capital statement, is prepared to report all the changes in owner's equity that occurred over a period of time usually a month or year. The major sections of the statement are the heading, the owner's capital balance at the beginning of the period, the increases and decreases during the period , and the calculated ending balance.
What do you think affects Owner's Equity ? Of course revenue, expense, and draws and any capital contributed to the business by the owner. We learned earlier that the activities of the revenue and expense are summarized in the Income Statement. This net income or loss is presented on a line in the Capital Statement. All the owner withdraws (kid draws) is also presented on a line in the statement.
The capital statement serves as the bridge between the income statement and balance sheet. It uses the net income/loss from the income statement in addition to the owner's investments and withdrawal to determine the Owner's Capital balance shown on the balance sheet.
Let's illustrate this statement with a simple equation.
Ending Owner's Equity = Beginning Equity + Additional Capital Contributed + Profit or - Loss - Draws
How The Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Capital Statement Are Related.
If you compare the owner's equity (owner's claim to assets) for two year end balance sheets, the difference (increase or decrease) is explained by the Income Statement and Capital Statement. Remember, revenues increase equity; capital contributed to the business increases equity; expenses decrease equity; and owner's draws decrease equity.

tugas englis

Excercise 1
1. what is the basis preparation of the accounts ?
answer :
the basis preparation of the accounts is the accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention and comply with all applicable UK accounting standards.
2. what convention are the accounts prepared under ?
answer :
convention are the accounts prepared under are historical cost convention and comply with all applicable UK accounting standards
3. what is the historical cost convention ?
answer :
historical cost convention is the accounts incorporate the audited assets and liabilities of subsidiary companies and the groups’s share of associated companies for the year.
4. what is turnover ?
answer :
turnover is goods and services invoiced during the year to external customers and associated companies, excluding value added tax and other taxes, less trade discounts
5. what is exluded from turnover ?
answer :
excluded from turnover are value added tax and other taxes
6. how are exchange adjustments dealt with ?
answer :
exchange adjustments arising directly from the translation of balance sheet items are taken directly to reserves, all other exchange differences are included in the profit and loss account
7. how is depreciation normally applied ?
answer :
depreciation normally applied if calculated so as to write off the cost of fixed assets ( except freeholdand) evenly over their estimated useful lives. Estimated useful lives are reviewed periodically, taking into account commercial and technological obsolescene as well as normal wear and tear
8. How are tangible and intangible assets hendled ?
Answer :
Estimated useful life of more than 12 months. Such long – item assets will be tangible or intangible.

Excercise 2
Answer these questions in your own words
a) Why are the tax authorities interested in the accounts of a business ?
Answer :
Because the goverment taxes business profits and uses the proceeds to pay of free education, the national health servises, unemployement pay, old age pensions and national defense among other things
b) Who benefits when a business makes a profit ?
Answer :
Of course the companies and all labour, and goverment
c) Why is cash flow important to a business ?
Answer :
In other to the firm can be know how much money and payment in and out are vital to a business
d) How are credit ratings determined ?
Answer :
Specific credits limit will be allocated to each customer. Thus a new customer might be allowed to have an outstanding standard account for there months, who has been a satisfactory customer for more than year, has a limit or twicethat amount
e) What should a salesperson do before selling goods on credit ?
Answer :
Before any order is passed through to the dispatch deparment in the factory, it will be checked againts the customer and the credit rating, salesperson are not allowed to give customer credit when these limits would be exceeded, unless there is aspecial clearance from the sales manager
f) What does a credit control department do ?
Answer :
A credit control department to monitor the granting of credit and the collection of debts
g) How does factoring operate ?
Answer :
Where by specialist companies are approached with a view to their purchasing the book debts at a discount, they will collect the debts and keep any accounting records required
h) Why do you think a sales manager and a credit control manager might sometimes come into conflict ?
Answer :
I think nothing internal control and not join together for management


1. Congeniality of Budget
Congeniality of budget is an compiled plan systematically, covering entire/all activity of company, expressed in unit (monetary unity) and shall be in effect for the period of certain (periode) to come ( Munandar, 1986)
coherent element at budget
a. Plan
b. Covering entire/all activity of company
c. Expressed in unit (set of) monetary
d. A given time period to come

2. Relate to duration, budget recognized with
a. strategic budget
budget applying to long meter / more than 1 accounting period/ 1 year
b. Tactical budget
budget applying to short-range. made arrangements for Budget 1 accounting period (one year full) of named by Periodic budget ( periodikal of budget), while made arrangements for by budget is duration less than one accounting period for example meter three monthly, and part of it conceived of by budget in phases (budget continous)
3. Factor influencing accuracy of determination of duration go into effect it of budget is
a. Wide of market
b. Company position in emulation
c. yielded Type Product (elastic and in-elastis, consumer appetite age)
d. Available of information and data (blessing with agreing of budget
e. Situation of economics in general. (monetary crisis case)

4. Usefulness of budget
a. as line item
b. as a means of job/activity coordination
c. as a means of observation of job/activity / measuring rod

5. Factor influencing compilation of budget
a. factor of Interen
such with factor of intern is data, experience and information which there are in company alone. Which can in the form of: Sale of year - last year, policy of company related to problem of price sell, capacities produce etc
b. Factor of Ekstern
Factor of Ekstern cover, data, experience and information which there are outside company, but owning influence to life of company. With can in the form of situation of emulation, mount growth of resident, mount production of society, education of society, national economy, various policy of government etc.

6. Relation/Link among/between budget with Accountancy
Accountancy present very useful historical data to count/calculate (preparing) to be poured in budget, waiting for will be made as line item in the future. Hereinafter accountancy will do/conduct record-keeping systematically and regular about
execution of that budget later, day after day, thereby accountancy can present data realize execution of budget completely
So that by comparing (among) accountancy note and budget can know by do company have process executing work efficiently or in-efisisen, effective or inefektif, etc, Therefore all record-keeping technique and all systematic way weared in accountancy have to be is same and in line with technique and also systematic way weared in budget

7. Content and Procedure Compilation of Budget and Factor
Budget is result of job/activity (out-put) most off all in the form of valuations to be executed in in the future, which is poured in an compiled article copy regularly and is systematic

8. Process Activity which come within in Budgeting
a. Data collecting and needed to information compile budget
b. Processing and analysing of the information and data to perform a valuations in order to compiling budget
c. Compiling budget and present regularly and is systematic
d. Coordination execution of budget
e. Processing and analysing of the data to perform interpretation and obtain;get conclusion, in order to performing assessment (evaluationi) to job/activity which have been executed and also compile policys as follow-up ( follow-up) of conclusions

9. Content of Budget
Budget have ought to include;cover entire/all activity of company, so that function of budget really can walk. Budget which the totally in naming Comprehensive budget (Comphrehensive Budget).

10. Content of Comphrehensive Budget, marginally consist of
a. budget forecasting
b. variable of budget (containing about rate of change of expense of or storey;level of variabilitas
c. analyzing statistic and ministrant mathematics
d. report of budget : representing report realize execution of budget provided with various comparison analysis among budget with its realization , so that can know by efficiencys and also deviations that happened, so that can be analysed and pulled by conclusion

11. Budget of Comprehensive and of Parsial
Budget of Comprehensive represent budget with scope which is totally. Activity which come within in budget of comprehensive include ;cover entire/all good corporate activity in the field of marketing, produce, administration and finance
completely budget of comprehensive consist of:
• Plan Substantive
At plan substantive contain the Target of company public, special target of company, company strategy, assumptions.
• Plan Financial
 Long-Range Budget : covering sale, selling expense, capital, fund flow, and requirement of labour
 Annual budget :
1. Budget Operational :
a. Budget profit & lossy
b. Ministrant Budget [of] balance
o Sales budget
o Production budget
o Manufacturing budget
o Budget Sale
2. Monetary budget
a. Balance sheet budget
b. Ministrant Budget [of] balance
o Cash budget
o Budget Receivable
o Budget Supply
o Budget Change of plant asset
o Debt budget
o Budget Addition of capital
c. Variable budget
d. Statistical Budget of assistant
e. Internal Report
Budget of Parsial. Budget of Parsial represent compiled budget with limited scope or in narrow ;tight scope. For example company only compiling just production budget, just finance or sale. In budget of parsial the each shares compile budget by self, so that the plan compiled is not inwrought, compared to budget of comprehensive budget of parsial easier compiled [by] because not yet so complex.

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

istilah englis

Credit Sales is sales the goods with credit terms from the seller or creditors
Penjualan kredit adalah suatu penjualan barang dengan tenggang waktu kredit dari penjual atau orang yang memberi kredit.
Customer credit is the person who can receive products when they are ordered and pay for them later
Pelanggan kredit adalah seseorang yang menerima produk ketika mereka memesan dan membayarnya kemudian.
2/10,n/30 this mean that customers that are expected to pay full amount within 30 days, but if a customer pays the invoices in 10 days or less, they can take 2 percent discount
2/10, n/30, artinya bahwa pelanggan diharapkan membayar keseluruhan tagihan dalam waktu 30 hari, tapi jika pelanggan membayar tagihan dalam waktu 10 hari atau kurang, mereka akan mendapatkan potongan 2 persen
payment receipt voucher is document show that money was received from customer for invoices
voucher pembayaran adalah berkas atau surat yang menunjukkan bahwa uang telah diterima dari pelanggan lewat faktur
credit limit is the most that customers can owe and still buy from the company
batas kredit adalah keadaan dimana pelanggan dapat membeli dari perusahaan
cash on delivery is the order can be shipped only if cash is paid when the products are delivered
Cash On Delivery adalah pemesanan baru bisa dikirimkan apabila pelanggan telah melunasinya ketika produk telah dikirim
credit application is a new credit customer has to fill out a special form
aplikasi kredit adalah special formulir dari pelanggan baru
credit references are a customer gives information about bank accounts and other places where the customer already has credit
referensi kredit adalah seorang pelanggan memberikan informasi tentang saldo bank dan tempat lain dimana pelanggan siap untuk berhutang
payment history records are the record of payment was receipt voucher
rekaman sejarah pembayaran adalah rekaman pembayaran yang telah diterima lewat faktur
bank account is information about how much money the customer has in the bank
akun bank adalah informasi tentang berapa banyak uang yang dimiliki oleh nasabah pada saat itu
terms of payment is the limit payment
jangka waktu pembayaran adalah batas waktu pembayaran

Business Document

Business Document is a leading global provider of Document Management Solutions that enable companies to manage their Document Life Cycle with greater ease and efficiency.
Sold through our Business Partners or combined with vertical or business solutions (CRM, Financial, Insurance, Mutual and Healthcare) BDoc Interactive provides the perfect software to improve performance of end users and the relationships with their customers
Abstract: Business document management software system(s), what are they, is there any way to improve them, and do they need improving and what document management software is there? At the moment, business document management can be a tricky situation, even the seeming simple task of converting from one type of document to another can have quite unexpected results.
1. What is a business document management system?
A business document management system is a system that manages the documents that are created when people assist and co-operate with colleagues and other contacts to further a particular aspect of the business that they share. This covers both the situations when there is one main creator, or many creators of the document.
What if you could manage and keep track of all the changes to a document (any kind of document, not just word processor files), without mandating that everyone use the same software (especially important if you collaborate with other businesses or even just people out side your business).
You would be able collaborate with anyone, at anytime with all changes and versions kept up to date automatically. Furthermore, all changes could be traced back to whom made them, to which document and when. All old versions of documents would be available for you to check the information that is present in later versions

sample Business Letters are listed in Alphabetical Order
1. 10-Day Notice Before Collections on Delinquent Account
2. 30-Day Notice to Quit
3. Acceptance of Counter Proposal
4. Acceptance of Order With Delivery in Lots
5. Acceptance of Purchase Security Agreement
6. Acceptance of Resignation
7. Acknowledged Receipt of Goods
8. Acknowledged Resignation
9. Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Order
10. Acknowledgement from Publisher, Comments Referred to Author
11. Acknowledgement of Application
12. Acknowledgement of Cancellation of Backorder
13. Acknowledgement of Change in Meeting Date
14. Acknowledgement of Customer Praise of Employee
15. Acknowledgement of Letter
16. Acknowledgement of Merchandise Returned for Repair
17. Acknowledgement of Modified Terms
18. Acknowledgement of Notification of Lease Transfer
19. Acknowledgement of Receipt (Documents)
20. Acknowledgement of Receipt of Estimate
21. Acknowledgement of Request for Bid, Confirmation of Deadline
22. Acknowledgement of Unsolicited Idea
23. Acknowledgement of Warranty and Instruction for Product Return
24. Acknowledgment of Correspondence Indicating Postal Delay
25. Advance Notice of Out of Business Sale
26. Affidavit for Lost, Stolen, Destroyed Stock Certificate
27. Affidavit of No Lien
28. Agreement to Compromise Debt
29. Agreement to Extend Debt Payment
30. Amendment to Lease
31. Announcement of Additional Location
32. Announcement of Business Name Change
33. Announcement of Catalog Price Reductions
34. Announcement of Change of Address
35. Announcement of Change of Address for Billing
36. Announcement of Clearance Sale
37. Announcement of Free Delivery Limitations Change
38. Announcement of New Area Representative
39. Announcement of New Area Representative Visit
40. Announcement of New Business Opening
41. Announcement of New Discount
42. Announcement of New Pricing Policy
43. Announcement of New Shipment Arrival
44. Announcement of Partnership Buyout
45. Announcement of Price Increase
46. Announcement of Price Reduction
47. Announcement of Special Discount Offer
48. Apology & Proposal on Overshipped Merchandise
49. Apology After Cancellation of Order
50. Apology and Replacement of Damaged Goods
51. Apology and Request for Extension of Time to Deliver Goods
52. Apology and Tender of Compensation
53. Apology for Accounting Errors and Past Due Notices
54. Apology for Delay of Refund
55. Apology for Delayed Response & Request for Meeting
56. Apology for Not Crediting Payment
57. Apology for Not Crediting Payment from Prompt Payer
58. Apology for Overshipment
59. Apology for Poor Service Rating on Customer Questionnaire
60. Apology to Customer for Accounting Error
61. Apology to Receiver of NSF Check
62. Application for License
63. Appointment for Employment Interview and Testing
64. Appointment for Testing
65. Assignment
66. Assignment and Transfer of Stock Certificate
67. Assignment of a Claim for Damages
68. Assignment of Accounts Receivable (With Non-Recourse)
69. Assignment of Accounts Receivable (With Recourse)
70. Assignment of Contract
71. Assignment of Copyright
72. Assignment of Deed of Trust
73. Assignment of Income
74. Assignment of Lease
75. Assignment of Lease
76. Assignment of Lien
77. Assignment of Literary Property
78. Assignment of Security Interest
79. Assignment of Trademark
80. Assignment of Trademark
81. Authorization
82. Authorization to Direct Bill for Corporate Guest
83. Bid for the Purchase of Real Property (Probate)
84. Bill of Sale
85. Bill of Sale (with Warranty of Title)
86. Business Credit Application
87. Business Credit Application Form
88. Certificate of Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name
89. Certificate of Installation, Leased Equipment
90. Certification of Satisfaction of Lien
91. Change of Address Awaiting Refund
92. Charge Account Credit Limit Raise Notification
93. Charge Account Terms and Conditions Form
94. Charge Back Application of Discount on Delayed Shipment
95. Collateral Decision, Request for Preparation of Loan Documents
96. Collections Follow-Up on Release of Pending Order
97. Collections Report on Current Status of Debt
98. Commendation
99. Commendation and Refusal of Request for Raise
100. Commercial Account Analysis Form
101. Commitment Form (Advertising)
102. Company Bonus Letter
103. Company Credit Account Approval Letter
104. Company Credit Account Denial for Unfavorable Report
105. Company Credit Account Denial Letter
106. Complimentary Letter to Employee on Handling of Difficulty
107. Complimentary Letter to Employee on Handling of Emergency
108. Complimentary Letter to Hotel
109. Complimentary Letter with Individual Commendation
110. Confidential Information Agreement
111. Confidentiality Agreement Between Firms
112. Confirmation of Acceptance of Employee Suggestion
113. Confirmation of Extension of Payment Date
114. Confirmation of Interview Appointment
115. Confirmation of Purchase Agreement
116. Confirmation of Telephone Report of Problem
117. Confirmation of Verbal Order
118. Congratulations on a Job Well Done
119. Congratulations on Employee on 5-Year Anniversary
120. Congratulations on Expansion
121. Congratulations on Formation of New Company
122. Congratulations on Increased Sales
123. Congratulations on Outstanding Achievement
124. Congratulations on Promotion 1
125. Congratulations on Promotion 2
126. Congratulations to New Business
127. Congratulations to New Owners
128. Consignment Agreement
129. Consignment Letter
130. Consumer Credit Application
131. Consumer Credit Application Form
132. Contract 1, Goods
133. Contract 2, Goods
134. Contract Proposal for Services
135. Conversion of Open Account to C.O.D.
136. Correction of Deposition
137. Corrections to Derogatory Credit Report
138. Cover Letter for Loan Book
139. Cover Letter in Response to Catalog Request
140. Cover Letter, Product Literature in Response to Phone Inquiry
141. Cover Letter, Renewed Charge Card
142. Credit Dept Report to Collections on Past Due Account
143. Credit Extension to Past Due Preferred Customer
144. Customer Incentive Program Announcement
145. Customer New Charge Card Cover Letter
146. Customer Revival, Auto Mechanic
147. Customer Revival, Preferred Customer Private Sale
148. Customer Revival, Product Sales
149. Customer Revival, Small Shop
150. Customer Service Request Form


Cost accounting is accounting talking about fundamental price pixing from something product produced ( or sold in market), good to fulfilling order from orderer and also to become the merchanidise stock to be sold.
Accounting in general is represent the record-keeping process, classification, summarizing and presentation in the way of is certain of finance transaction that happened in other;dissimilar company or organisation and interpretation to its result. While expense in wide congeniality represent the sacrifice which have been happened or possibly will be happened to reach specific-purpose.
Target of cost accounting is to present the information of production cost from a company, on that account hence cost accounting earn given by congeniality as record-keeping process, classification, summarizing and expense presentation in order to production of certain service or goods in the way of and also interpretation to its result.
Oftentimes expense congeniality blurred with the cost of good sold congeniality, but in fact the mentioned have the difference and equation. In cost accounting, expense represent all is happened the expenditure ( expired) used in yielded production process. All expense that happened ( the expired) form a cost of good sold which is if divided with the product amount yielded or product ordered yield the cost of good sold of product of per unit. In wide mean, cost of good sold can mean as part of acquirement price of an asset delayed by its encumbering in the future.
Cost accounting in its target is broader, beside for the gathering of expense reporting and also for the planning, operation and decision making by management. On the score of that's at] its last growth is cost accounting its focus change over from simply fundamental price pixing of goods or service produced to importance for the financial control.
Application conception the cost accounting also now have extended from simply fundamental price pixing of production bringing conotation just to part of production with the its production activity to all activity in company which is concerning expense of like selling expense, general and administration expense and others.
Final purpose of cost accounting is provide the information of about expense for the management of utilize to assist the them in managing company or its department. Management in managing company or its department need the accurate expense data. accurate expense enable its determinable is cost of good sold of product accurately and precisely. To determine the cost of good sold accurately hence expense require to be classified detachable so that between which production cost and which also which is non production cost.
Correct expense classification is by using concept " diffrent costs for diffrent purposes", which intended to that expense classified by on the basis of use target from the expense data. Expense classification for example is :
1. Pursuant to relation with the product, expense classified by for :
a. Production costs
Namely direct coresponding costs with the production from a product and will be brought into contact with the revenue in which period of that product is sold. Before sold saleable, production cost considered as by supplies. This expense is consisted of the: permanent material cost, direct labor cost and factory overhead cost.
Production cost consisted of the permanent material cost, labour, and divisible cost overhead again into two category namely prima cost consisted of by the material cost and labour, and conversion cost namely labour cost and factory overhead cost. Prima cost is direct coresponding cost with the production while conversion cost is cost which is needed to process the raw material become the product finish.
b. Periodic costs
Namely more costs relate to the time compared to from unit produced. All this expense is charged upon by production in which period of the cost happened. This periodical cost named also commercial cost. Follow the example of from this cost is: general and administration cost, marketing cost. Special of this marketing cost, accountant is not consistent do it, like advertising cost is often delayed by its encumbering because still be assumed useful to get the advantage in the future.
2. Pursuant to period accounting, expense classified by for :
a. Capital expenditure
Namely costs released which its benefit is enjoyed by more than one accounting period (cost one year). This expenditure will form the "cost" (cost of good sold). Follow the example of this cost: cost of building repair which is big relative which its benefit more than one year.
b. Production expenditure
Namely costs released which useful only in one accounting period (less or equal to one year). This expenditure will become "expense" in moment period of the happening of that cost.
3. Pursuant to its relation with the volume produce/company activity, expense classified by for :
a. Variable costs
Namely costs which always change by proporsional as according to comparison of especial activity company. Example volume of this expense: permanent material cost, direct labor cost, some of cost overhead of like electrics cost, gas and water paid by as according to usage, depreciation calculated by on the basis of unit produce (set of unit output).
b. Semivariabel costs
Namely expense which always change but its change is ill assorted with the activity change/company volume. Follow the example of this cost: employ the salesman/salesgirl which its system of pay with the regular salary certain percentage plus from sale, cost repair and conservancy and others. This cost will fixed its amount in certain range.
c. Fixed costs
Namely big cost minimize that is not influenced by big minimize of volume of company activity. Follow the example: depreciation cost that is calculated with the straight line method, fee which remain to for a few specified period.
4. Pursuant to in its relation for the purpose of observation, expense classified by for :
a. Standard costs
Namely expense which have been determined beforehand (estimated will be happened), and in the event of deviation to its, hence this standard cost assumed by correctness.
b. Valuation costs
Namely cost appraised beforehand (estimated will be happened), and in the event of deviation to its, hence assumed correct is real cost.
c. Real costs
Namely costs which is seriously happened or burdensome cost.
5. Pursuant to in its relation departmentally produce, expense classified by for :
a. Departmental costs produce
Namely cost which is is imposed on to be reckoned at shares/department which directly handle the goods making. Follow the example of this cost: permanent material cost of department produce X.
b. Ministrant departmental costs
Namely cost which is is charged against by a department providing facility/giving service to departmental other;dissimilar (departmentally produce or other ministrant department). Follow the example: departmental salary cost of electrics assistant.
c. Departmental direct cost
Namely direct costs became of by every department.
d. Departmental indirect costs
Namely costs reckoned to a department because the department use the departmental facility other;dissimilar.
6. Pursuant to in its relation with the function of exist in company, expense consisted of :
a. Production costs
Namely total cost raw material, labour cost and factory overhead cost in order to producing product.

b. Marketing costs
Namely cost released in order to marketing yielded product. Taking example: advertising cost, employ the seller and others.
c. General and administration costs
Namely cost released in order to instructing, controling and operate company. For example: salary cost board of directors, letter cost, phone and others.
d. Finance costs
Namely cost released in order to getting fund to operate for the company. For example: interest cost
Cost needed by as according to wanted or clasification faction, is later then presented and analysed, will very be benefit to management. Cost data will be able to be exploited by management to various target.
Benefit from cost data for example :
1. For the purpose of observation
2. Assisting in pricing sell
3. To count the periodical profit loss
4. For the financial control
5. For the decision making